White Rug Cleaning and Restoration: Omg, I can’t believe how much water flooded my house! Yep, that was the voice on the other line when they called in and talked to Debbie on the phone. If you haven’t meet Debbie over the telephone yet, you are in for a treat. She is so friendly and helpful; she is semi-retired and loves working at our shop part-time, working with the clients calling in. I remember ORC Family telling me the story of this customer calling in the story. ORC Company was working at the desk next to her trying to find photos of a rug for an insurance company.
The customer was so upset, and within minutes Debbie and the customer were in tears laughing about whatever! Just the same, Debbie said, don’t worry will have our guys pick up the rug and do our magic. We don’t over-promise here at Oriental Rug Cleaning Palm Beach, we do our best, and that is what we have to offer. What I can promise you she said is that if we don’t think we can make a measurable difference in our rug fringe cleaning process of your rug, we will return it to you, and of course, there is no charge for pick up or delivery.

I think the Rug Cleaning photos speak a thousand words!
I have to say sometimes when these White Rug Cleaning and Restoration Service come in with impossible-looking stains. I look at my team at times and say, “what are we getting ourselves into.” Bill usually looks at me and says, get back in your office. We have this under control, and he is always right!
I can say we know that this customer was happy because when he rug returned, the customer called back first to compliment how wonderful once again the delivery men were and also to thank our company for being there for them and solving their problem.
I want to say personally, thank you to all the people who trust us to take care of their beautiful rugs. We are the lucky ones.