Expert Rug Cleaning Services Palm Beach: We talk a lot about the cleaning and restoration services we provide here at the Expert Rug Cleaning Services and restoration plant. I don’t think we talk enough about the rug fringing services that we offer. When it comes to wool rugs and fixing fringes there are two options. The first option is to replace the fringes that are missing by sewing new fringes on by hand, carefully inserting new cotton weft string into the foundation of the rug, and forming fringes after many insertions. After we do this process which is time-consuming we then do a detailed job that is called overcasting which makes that rug look tapered. Great detail goes into every process. The other option we can offer for wool rugs is to go to our large selection of fringe that we have sent to us from New York, yes made in the USA greatness. We then sew the new fringe that matches the color best and is the best suitable look for the carpet. We like it when the customer picks out the fringe but often, we pick out the right one when it is left up to use to decide. We have a wide variety of designs and colors to choose from.

When it comes to silk fringes there is only one option and that is to do it by hand. It’s a lot of work but the reward on our part is amazing. Many times the vacuum beater bar likes eating the fringe at a slow pace, one day the owner of the carpet realizes that the fringes are all gone only leaving stumbles at the end of their once prized silk rug. Why not let Oriental Rug Care come to the rescue? We carefully and skillfully can make the rug look new again. Put us up to the task, call us today for a free no-obligation estimate on doing fringe work or even major restorations. We employ two master rug repair weavers on staff and we hope to be adding another one soon. So much work is coming to us from the west coast of Florida these days that it’s astonishing.