Cleaning Oriental Rugs are the main part of any home, because they offer an excellent decoration, among other things, but one of their main characteristics is that they have a fairly thick fabric capable of accumulating large layers of dust. Although viruses cannot live long on the surface, it is advisable to do periodic cleaning to protect yourself from other types of intruders. Mold, as well as certain bacteria and parasites, are capable of living in the rug while waiting for a new host, usually pets such as dogs and cats. To protect them from any disease, it’s a good idea to give household rugs a thorough cleaning.

Cleaning a rug frequently will not harm it if the work is done by specialists using the proper techniques. Cleaning with industrial machinery and harsh chemicals will only cause the rug to begin to fade and lose strength. The best way to prevent this from happening is to hire a service that deals specifically with oriental rugs, which are handwoven and have other requirements. This will not only protect you from diseases but also give your home an excellent image and will protect your rug from time and dirt damage.
Be careful with visitors
Asian culture has a habit of leaving shoes outside the house. This is done to protect the family from all the dirt and grime that comes along with the shoes and could stay on the floor. To protect the rug from all this it is best to shake the shoes as much as possible so that all the dirt is on the outside of the house. It is difficult to take all these details into account, but they are the best way to fight disease. Cleaning Oriental Rugs can be your best ally in the home if they are treated in the right way and if they are given the proper care. A home to be considered clean should make special mention in the areas that accumulate the most dust, to ensure that there will be no problems in the future. This is achieved by following a fairly correct pattern of care.

In addition to doing regular cleaning, it is possible to use rug padding, which goes under the rug and absorbs all kinds of liquids and dirt that could damage your rug. With a proper technique this will not be seen in any way, and also protects the rug against weight marks, in case you put some kind of furniture on it. It is not possible to live hidden from germs but it is possible to make some small changes in the routine that will protect you against any virus, bacteria, or parasite that would like to make life in your home. Needless to say, we are always here to help you with anything you need, especially in the area of cleaning and disinfection.