Oriental Rugs Last Fort Lauderdale

The lifespan of oriental rug cleaners depends on how well they’re cared for and the quality of their materials. If you just toss an oriental rug in a room and forget about it for a few years, then don’t be surprised if you discover its fabric to have damage and faded colors. Like any prized possession, good loving care can result in a long lifespan.

Synthetic vs. Natural

Oriental rugs have a lot in common with Persian rugs. They’re both typically made from wool or cotton, and they’re both handwoven by a true artisan weaver. These natural materials have positive and negative qualities too. The positive qualities are their soft and durable nature. You can walk on them and feel softness all over the bottom of your feet. Meanwhile, the materials are tough enough to withstand the average amount of daily walking that will go over them.

The negative qualities are their susceptibility to damage from things like water and insects. Even though natural oriental rugs are durable, they are not so tough when it comes to external elements of nature. Between bugs feasting on the fabric and water breaking down the fabric, you need to take extra special care of oriental rugs if you want them to last a long time.

For this reason, some people choose to purchase synthetic rug cleaning because they’re water-resistant and unattractive to insects. However, we do not recommend this because synthetic oriental rugs only last between 3 and 5 years. They are not durable enough to sustain the long-term pressures placed on them each day.

Oriental Rugs Fort Lauderdale

Not only that, but synthetic oriental rugs are not even authentic. A true oriental rug is made by hand using natural materials only. You’ll never find professional weavers in southeastern Asia who use synthetic materials to weave their rugs. True artisans prefer the classic method of oriental rug weaving.

Over 100 Years of Life

If you want to know how long oriental rug care can last if they’re treated right, then you will be happy with the answer. A good-quality oriental rug made of wool or cotton could last for well over 100 years. In fact, there are generations of families who pass down their oriental rugs to their kids and grandkids. After an oriental rug reaches the 100-year mark, it is officially considered an antique rug.

Did you know an antique rug is worth a lot of money? If you purchase a new Expert Oriental Rug Cleaning Fort Lauderdale or have an old oriental rug, then preserving it should be considered an investment. Someday, that oriental rug will be worth a lot of money if its original condition is preserved. Then it could become a nice family heirloom to leave your family after you pass away.

Preserve the Rug

oriental rug cleaners preservation requires dedicated maintenance. For example, if you spill food or beverages on the rug, you must clean the rug immediately. Otherwise, it could end up getting stained or damaged. Other maintenance tasks you must perform include washing, drying, and vacuuming the rug. You won’t need to wash and dry as often as you vacuum, but all are important.

Rug Repair Fort Lauderdale

It is best to keep pets away from an oriental rug because they may poop, urinate, or shed hair on it. Pet stain removal is possible, but it is a hassle and can leave a foul odor that is difficult to remove. Also, keep your oriental rug away from sunlight because its colors and patterns will fade within a matter of months. Then you’ll need to hire a professional rug repair and restoration person to add new dye to the faded areas.

Contact Us

Do you want to help ensure that your oriental rug lasts for a long time? If so, then you should schedule a professional appointment with Oriental Rug Care in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We can perform all kinds of Expert Oriental Rug Cleaning Services, including rug repair and restoration, pet stain removal, washing & drying, and dye replacement.

If you notice your oriental rug is in less than perfect shape, it is better to get it restored before the deterioration gets worse. We will do everything we can to preserve the lifespan of your oriental rug. If you need an oriental rug cleaning job done, we can do that too.

Author: William Thornton

You just found the one and only rug cleaning source for all of South Florida! In 1986 William Thornton was offered one of the greatest business opportunities which was to purchase Oriental Rug Care. One of his greatest passions is cleaning rugs being that he was a former rug cleaner, he already had numerous years of experience and a fondness for the Oriental Rug Cleaning Service. As previously mentioned, when Bill had the opportunity to purchase Oriental Rug Care, he didn’t think twice about this investment and he jumped on it as soon as he could.. https://www.orientalrugcare.com/about-us.html

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