Professional Rug Cleaners Services Miami Area
Rug cleaners Miami is serviced by Oriental Rug Care. We have been proudly servicing Miami since our start in 1986, over 25 years now. We own and operate a state-of-the-art rug cleaning facility. We pride ourselves on how Rug Cleaners we keep our shop, all our clients that come in always comment on how clean and white it looks. White, yes! I painted the walls and floors white for a reason. It shows dirt and we expect our employees to show pride in keeping the shop clean which reflects in the quality of Area Rug Cleaning Services Miami.
Rug Care is the place rug cleaners in Miami bring their rugs, well at least the honest ones that are really going to hand wash the carpets. Several times a month we have carpet cleaners throughout the tri-county bring rugs to us that they have bled from over-wetting or from a basic steam clean that reacted chemicals from the last cleaning which was high in PH. As a result, the dye became unstable and bled into a lighter color. These oriental rug cleaning Miami hear about us from the cleaning chemical supply companies that sell chemicals in their city. We can easily get dye bleed out of fringe or in the worse case have our repair person install a new fringe onto the carpet.

Rug Cleaners & Repairing
Rug Cleaners is our passion. We employ a large staff that just focuses on rug repair and hand washing. We don’t steam clean rugs here. We encourage all customers to visit the rug cleaning plant of the person that says they are going to hand wash their textile. Heck, we will even clean your first rug for free, bring in a small rug, you know that 2 X 3 entry rug or kitchen rug. Interview us by coming to our shop and see for yourself that you will be pleased to have seen that a Rug Cleaners plant can look this clean and have enough work to keep a lot of people employed.

One of the most challenging parts of our business is our GUARANTEE PET ODOR REMOVAL process. Why is this challenging you might ask? The answer might surprise you! A lot of clients keep asking us why their pets like to pee in the same area. I don’t know about the scientific answer to that question other than habit. But I can say that after repeated times the urine gets in the foundation of the rug the warp and weft. Which are usually the cotton foundation of the carpet that the wool is wrapped around. We all know that cotton is absorbent. So the key to our trade is how do you get ALL the urine out of the cotton foundation, the answer is “NOT EASY”. I don’t know if I’m giving away trade secrets here but heck I love this business and making rug smell and feel fluffy. We put the rug in our rug pit and flush the rug with cold water and use secret cleaning agents and let our magic potion sit in the fiber and use a very heavy roller on the carpet pushing the magic potion in the foundation. Then we squeegee the solution out and keep adding water to it until we only see clear water coming out. Assuring use that the odor is eliminated. Then we put it through our wringer with an ample amount of freshwater, then again through our centrifuge. Then we hang it and detail the fringe. The crazy part is once the rug is dry if it doesn’t pass our smell test we repeat the process. Now you can begin to realize why we need a small army of people to win the battle over odor elimination. May the force be with us!